Ear Nose & Throat Chart with Eardrum while I was sick

Getting Sick Can Pop an Eardrum Part. 1

Many kids are prone to getting ear infections. I was pretty average, but I got real familiar with what can happen earlier this year with probably one of the worse-case scenarios as an adult. This will be a mini-part series of my experience dealing with a literal popped eardrum in the hopes that anyone else who is unfortunately dealing with the same or someone you know can see what can be expected. I am in no way a medical expert so please make sure you see your doctor if you think you or someone else is experiencing the same symptoms!

It started with a sinus infection…

I have sinus problems due to a dust allergy and have had many sinus infections because of it that usually lasts for about a week or so. This time earlier this year I had one at the very start of the month and looked like it was getting better. For unexplained reasons as soon as it was, it came back in full force again. The sneezing, stuffy nose, sinus pressure, fevers, and body aches. It was terrible as I had a hard time sleeping from my nose being really plugged up. Tylenol or Ibuprofen were only temporary relief as I continuously had to take them for the body aches and fevers. At this point it was two weeks since I started and we had Kawaii Kon convention to attend.

That weekend was rough. I tried to power through still taking Ibuprofen, bringing two boxes of Kleenex, limiting touching things unless necessary and was relatively stable. Unlucky for us though our son got sick the first day of Kawaii Kon after all of his anticipation all year. So the remainder of Saturday and Sunday I tried to attend for a few hours by myself to grab gifts and talk to friends as I usually felt worse as evening came.

Pop went the ear!

On Saturday evening while I did my seemingly ritual now nose blowing I gave it a good blow and pop! My right ear felt like it was plugged. No pain, but sound was definitely not as loud. I’ve had this happen before in the same ear so I didn’t think anything of it. Sunday morning and afternoon went by and it was stilled plugged. By that evening though as my body aches and fevers came back, I started having ear pains in my ear and behind it by the bone. I’ve never had ear pains before with the loss of hearing and it was bad enough Monday morning that we decided to try and get a doctor’s appointment that day, as well as for my son.

We got one for our son but I was not as lucky as my doctor was on vacation and wouldn’t be back until that next week. All other doctors there were booked solid and they couldn’t fit me in. So we had to go to Urgent Care. They gave me a bunch of medications for my nose, fevers and body aches, and an ear wax remover since the right ear had a ton of was and they couldn’t see anything. They said it would be painful to remove otherwise and to come back in five days.

Five days later…

Other than the pain medications there wasn’t much change using anything else. Nose was still bad and bleeding, still couldn’t sleep at night, and my ear pains got so bad that by Tuesday or Wednesday I could not open my mouth to bite or chew. I was down to a liquid diet. Making matters worse the ear wax remover eventually became painful when used and I started leaking liquids out of the ear and stopped using it.

I went back to Urgent Care by the fifth day with no improvement and a leaking ear. A different doctor helped me and this time after telling them the same thing I had said before plus the leaking ear, the recommended that I go to the ER. Especially since my regular doctor was still out.

Read more in Part 2 as I headed to the ER to get help! Has anyone gotten really sick like this? Did anything help at this stage?


2 thoughts on “Getting Sick Can Pop an Eardrum Part. 1

  1. I’ve been a sickly person since I was a child in the allergy and sinus department. I’m blessed to say I’ve never popped my ear drum like that though. It’s rough being that sick, and even rougher being that sick while tending after a sick little one. Your so strong! Hugs!

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